The Show Fr. Lenka


每日一歌讓我這裡顯得像是音樂部落格。而就目前而言,能讓我每天保持一篇更新的也無非如此。停網了兩天,忙著搬家。目前一切落定,就差把舊房子轉手。I want my money back.

Title:The Show


I’m just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go
Can’t do it alone
I’ve tried, but i don’t know why

Slow it down, make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
Cause its to much, yea its alot
To be something I’m not

I’m a fool, out of love
Cause I just can’t get enough

I’m just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go
Can’t do it alone
I’ve tride, but i don’t know why

I’m just a little girl lost in the moment
I’m so scared but i don’t show it
I can’t figure it out
It’s bringing me down
I know, I’ve got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot in the sky
Just like a giant spot light
The people follow the signs
And sicronise in time

It’s just, no body knows
They got to take it to the show

I’m just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go
Can’t do it alone
I’ve tried, but i don’t know why

I’m just a little girl lost in the moment
I’m so scared but i don’t show it
I can’t figure it out
It’s bringing me down
I know, I’ve got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

Just engoy the show
I’m just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don’t know where to go
Can’t do it alone
I’ve tride, but i don’t know why

I’m just a little girl lost in the moment
I’m so scared but i don’t show it
I can’t figure it out
It’s bringing me down
I know, I’ve got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

Just enjoy the show(x2)

I want my money back(x3)

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back(x3)

Just enjoy the show


來自澳洲Electronic-Rock團體Decoder Ring中的優質創作甜美女聲

動員Stuart Brawley、Pierre Marchand、Mike Elizondo、John Alagia、Jason Lader等五位當紅製作人聯手打造



來自澳洲全名Lenka Kripac的Lenka,六歲時伴隨吹奏小號的父親而開口歌唱,慢慢培養出對音樂的高度興趣。移居雪梨之後,Lenka開始學習舞蹈等表演課程,進入藝 術學院加強其發聲訓練。2004年加入Electronic-Rock團體Decoder Ring,替短片「猶太男孩/Jewboy」編寫配樂而風靡許多電影節會場,更躍登澳洲大小音樂祭典舞臺。Lenka飛到美國洛杉磯尋找更多音樂靈感,同 時不斷於工作室裏頭製作自己的歌曲,2007年獲得Epic Records賞識,順利簽入旗下籌備個人專輯。

There once was a little girl. She was born in the bush. Her parents called her Lenka. Her first friends were trees. Her father played the trumpet, she sang with him when she was 6. She grew up a bit. They moved to the big city (Sydney). She went to school. She danced a bit. She acted a bit. She went to art college. She started to sing a bit more… She joined a band called Decoder Ring. They created an album called Somersault, which was the soundtrack to a feature film called Somersault. It won lots of awards. She got called things like an “ethereal songstress” a “pocket rocket” and “breathy, strangely haunting.” (Rolling Stone ’04) She flew on a plane and landed in Los Angeles. She hid away in studios and emerged with new songs. One of her songs “Follow” provided the soundtrack to Courtney Cox masturbating in Dirt. She found this nice. She wants to do more – song writing, singing, performing, collaborating. Making people feel some pleasure…




14 Responses to The Show Fr. Lenka

  1. 免费空间 says:

    😐 有车有房 小资生活.

  2. Leeiio says:


  3. NickyYe says:


  4. Yacca says:

    是转租还是如何 o(∩_∩)o

  5. Leeiio says:

    @Yacca:和朋友合租了一套228㎡的,舊房子要轉租掉~ :mrgreen:

  6. Yacca says:


  7. Leeiio says:


  8. 千叶 says:

    = =還是決定去那么遠?

    最近幻聽 總覺得驚心動魄的手機鈴聲正在響起

    準備休年假 ➡

  9. Leeiio says:

    @千叶: 現在在運河邊上,離公司也就20分鐘公車最多。風景不錯,旁邊是loft~有年假真幸福

  10. Elicip says:


  11. 棉被 says:

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