Life In Technicolor II Fr. Coldplay

prospekt's march
Title:Life In Technicolor II
Album:Prospekt’s March


There’s a wild wind blowing
Down the corner of my street
Every night they’re headlights glowing
There’s a cold world coming
On the radio I heard
Baby it’s a violent world
Oh love don’t let me go
Won’t you take me where the street lights glow
I can hear it coming
I can hear the sire of the sound
Now my feet won’t touch the ground
Time came a creeping
Oh and time’s a loaded gun
Every road is a ray of light
It goes on
Time only can lead you on
Still it’s such a beautiful night
Oh love don’t let me go
Won’t you take me where the street lights glow
I can hear it coming
Like a serenade of sound
Now my feet won’t touch the ground
Oh Oh Oh
Gravity released me
And don’t ever hold me down
Now my feet won’t touch the ground

Coldplay今年的號召力想必讓這張EP同樣也被受矚目。而這張EP除了6首在制作Viva La Vida中同時完成的作品外,還有2首重新制作的新專輯曲目Lovers in Japan,Lost +而且是與Jay-Z的混音,別有一番口味!Chris Martin之前也曾經提到過發行這張 EP有多麽的不容易,總之也是心血之作。有意思的是這張EP的封面同樣是來自Eugene Delacroix的作品,和Viva La Vida的主題一樣仍然是氣勢磅礴的革命圖畫。


6 Responses to Life In Technicolor II Fr. Coldplay

  1. netputer says:


  2. Leeiio says:

    @netputer 我這裡的沙發還是比較好坐的~

  3. xiaorsz says:


  4. 任平生 says:


  5. Leeiio says:

    @xiaorsz 結構上也優化了很多,針對SEO的哈~
    @任平生 哈哈,謝謝,新年快樂!

  6. 某宅 says:

    这张专辑比较喜欢the violet hill。感觉coldplay还是比较适合唱温情点的歌,对viva la vida不是太有感

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