當人類開始仰望-Side Fr. Travis





成軍於1996年來自英國格拉斯哥Glasgow的Travis,是當1999年發表第二張錄音室專輯“The Man Who”時,遠遠超乎預期的熱烈回響,才讓他們仿佛從一個小城的地方樂團,搖身一變不僅成為英國的搖滾巨星,同時贏得全球各地樂迷的肯定。這支每個人一聽到他們的音樂都會為之眼睛一亮的傑出樂團,藉著他們的歌聲廣播了他們寓幽默人生觀於實力作品中的新音樂主義。

對於喜愛英式搖滾的人而言,Travis當然是一支重要極具代表性樂團,四張專輯全部有Top10的銷售量(其中兩張是排行冠軍)。15首Top 40單曲、3座全英音樂獎肯定,唱遍各大型演唱會Glastonbury、Reading、V Festival…等等。

發行過“Good Feeling”、“The Man Who”、“The Invisible Band”和“12 Memories”四張專輯一方面是回顧,同時也為下一個裏程邁進,這一張單曲精選合輯‘Singles’所收錄的17首歌曲,包含暢銷名曲“Why Does It Always Rain On Me”、“Writing To Reach You”、“Turn”、“Driftwood”等這四首是我的最愛,尤其是Turn 和Driftwood,及一首全新的創作單曲“Walking In The Sun”輕快的節奏配上優美的吉他和弦,緊扣心門。這首我現在也是天天都聽Travis的音樂可以激發你封藏心底許久的回憶。他們與眾不同的幽默語匯,以及簡潔有力的音樂鋪陳,讓聽眾們驚艷於這支年紀輕輕的隊伍所散發出之跨國際魅力。

Album:Side single

Compose / Lyrics / Vocal / Travis.
Well I believe theres someone watching over you
Theyre watching every single thing you say
And when you die
Theyll set you down and take you through
Youll realise one day
That the grass is always greener on the other side
The neighbours got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive
We all live under the same sky
We all will live, we all will die
There is no wrong, there is no right
The circle only has one side
We all try hard to live our lives in harmony
For fear of falling swiftly overboard
But life is both a major and minor key
Just open up the chord
But the grass is always greener on the other side
The neighbours got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive
We all live under the same sky
We all will live, we all will die
There is no wrong, there is no right
The circle only has one side



8 Responses to 當人類開始仰望-Side Fr. Travis

  1. NickyYe says:


  2. Leeiio says:


  3. winging says:


  4. Leeiio says:


  5. 千葉 says:


    RSS小人和你很像,但是還是之前那個比較萌 😯

  6. Leeiio says:


  7. noiry says:

    他们那个writing to reach you也特别好听,还有close

  8. Leeiio says:


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